Manage different Instagram accounts

06 November 2021

You have too many things on your mind and you manage multiple Instagram accounts.

How to do it without losing your mind?

How to manage different Instagram accounts effectively

It is clear that managing several Instagram accounts from different customers can be challenging.

We know it, so we have prepared a small list of tips on how to manage different Instagram accounts.

Let ‘s get started!

Organize your posts

Creating a calendar or an Excel spreadsheet with the content corresponding to each Instagram profile that you manage will help you not make a mistake when publishing content.

✅ Create a color for each profile you manage, this distinction will speed up your work.

✅ Leave everything ready with the copy, the mentions or the multimedia content that you will add to the post so that you only have to copy and paste.

Work with online applications

If you work with several clients, one way to be in constant communication is to use applications such as Drive or Dropbox, in case you have to change something, do it from these applications.

This way you and your client can see the modifications, you will save time and work.

Use management tools like Metricool

If you want to have everything under control with the Instagram profiles that you manage, you need a tool to help you with planning, publishing and marketing on Instagram.

So my favorite advice is that you include Metricool to help you out to do this work effectively.

▶️ Metricool Mega Tutorial: All its features ◀️

What can you do with Metricool and your Instagram profiles?

✅ We warn you, you are going to love it.

Entering Metricool is simple: you access their website, register or connect with your email address and start working.

Below you will discover what you can achieve with Metricool:

Analyze the evolution of your Instagram accounts

What is happening with the Instagram accounts you manage? How is your community doing?

In the ‘Evolution’ section, you can check the performance of your work.

➡️ Community

Have you increased the number of followers or following? In ‘Community’ you can monitor the evolution of your followers.

In addition, in the graph of ‘balance of followers’ you can see if you gain or lose followers during a day. 

➡️ Demographics

Where do your followers come from? Are more women than men following you?

The ‘Demographics’ section will provide you with interesting demographic data about your audience. In this way you will be able to promote your content aimed at a sector of the population.

➡️ Profile

A complete summary of your profile that gives you excellent information about your work on Instagram.

Here you will see the number of impressions, reach, profile visits, link clicks and number of posts published. Plus, this information compares with the previous period to understand the evolution of your efforts better. 

manage multiple instagram accounts with Metricool

➡️ Posts

If in the previous section you could see a general summary of your profile, in ‘Posts’ you will find useful information on the performance of the publications you have made in the period of time selected.

Engagement, interactions (likes, comments, saved), reach, impressions and the number of posts published.

As well as a list of the publications that you can sort by date, impressions, reach, likes, saved, comments, clicks, interactions and engagement. If you prefer, you can download it in CSV format. to present it to your client or for further examination.

➡️ Hashtags

Hashtags are useful to reach a larger audience with your Instagram posts.

In this Metricool’s section you can discover how the hashtags are working, the number of impressions you have achieved in the publications you include those hashtags and the likes or comments received. 

This data can help you to conclude whether to continue using those tags or change them to get more interactions.

You can also download this table in a CSV format.

➡️ Stories

Instagram stories have become a way of creating content for social media thanks to its different possibilities: mention other accounts, add hashtags, videos or gifs.

Analyze the performance of your stories according to impressions, reach and number of stories with Metricool.

You can also view and order all your stories or download it in CSV format.

➡️ Competitors

In this section you can see how the competitors you choose in your sector are performing and anticipate their movements.

You can see their followers, posts or likes. Of course, only professional or business accounts can be added.

Manage in real time

With Metricool you can control what happens in real time on the Instagram profiles that you manage.

These two options will be useful for your strategy:

➡️ Hashtag tracker

A tool to monitor a specific hashtag and see how it has worked. You can use it for an event, a hashtag of your client that you are interested in promoting, etc.

➡️ Comments

If you manage multiple Instagram accounts, you might have mixed the comments received on the posts of different Instagram accounts

From Metricool you can reply to them without having to go to Instagram.

Plan and schedule your content

The ability to schedule your content on Instagram will save you time at work.

Instead of thinking about what to post every day, organize your day and spend an afternoon scheduling all the content for each profile. 

➡️ Program your posts

  1. Prepare your post and click on ‘New post’.
  2. Write the text, add the image or video and choose the time to publish. In Metricool you can choose the best hours, the one in which your audience will participate the most.
  3. Choose whether you want to receive the photo by email or via notification on your phone. And voilà, you already have your content scheduled.

There are other ways to schedule your content on Instagram that will help you manage your work time:

✅ You can schedule your content by adding a file in CSV format to save time and schedule all your content in bulk instead of doing it one at a time.

✅ You can create autolists with the content so that the post circulates in several days. You can create an autolist by uploading all the information in bulk in CSV format or writing it manually.

➡️ Add multiple links to your Instagram account

As you may have noticed, Instagram does not allow you to add links in the publications but it does in the profile bio. However, it only allows you to put a link, something that limits your chances to drive traffic to your client’s website from Instagram. 

With Metricool this issue is over, you can create a special link that includes several different links that will take the user to the pages you want: a product you want to sell, an event you want to organize, etc.

You will only have to add a button or image and the different links that you want to add. Simply, copy the link that  Metricool has generated and paste it in your bio.

manage multiple instagram accounts smartlinks metricool

➡️ Instagram Product Tags

We also have a new feature for the inbox. Now, professional Instagram accounts who have a shop are able to tag products in their posts.

The process is very simple and easy to use. The requirements are this: Have a business account, accept the new premises, and have a shop on Instagram.

Once we have all the requirements, we have to access the planner and select the photo in which we want to tag the products. Then go to the presets and we will see a new bottom titled “Add tag product”.

A new window will open to allow us to place the tag in the area of the photo where the product is. 

Once we have selected the placement, we can select the catalog and product that we want to tag. At the end we will see the tag in the presets.

Generate and download custom reports

With Metricool you can create reports on the performance of Instagram profiles and download it in PDF or PPT. Also, you can configure your settings to receive an email with the report monthly.

In addition, you can create your own template, choose from the ones Metricool offers you and customize your report with your client’s logo.

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 06 November 2021

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