Create your Ad Campaigns with Metricool

​Do you know that you can manage your ad campaigns on Google Ads and Facebook Ads from Metricool? and that you can also analyze their performance?

If you already knew, we have some good news… Now from Metricool, you can also create your ad campaigns on both platforms. Best of all, you can do it with one single process, following some easy steps.

Without leaving Metricool you can manage your ad strategy:

Create ✅ Manage ✅ Analyze 

How to Create Ad Campaigns with Metricool

Click the fifth tab Ads on the main menu.

Once there, you can find the different functionalities to help you enhance your ad strategies on the menu located on the left side of the screen:

  • Campaigns: In this module you can review the performance of your campaigns and manage them in the same place. You can adjust the budget and pause or reactivate a campaign.
  • Keywords: In this section, you can discover the quality of your Google ads for each phase of the funnel. Check where they fail or what works best.
  • Ad campaigns creation: The section that we are going to focus on today. Here you can create your ad campaigns for Google Ads and Facebook Ads  with Metricool from scratch.

As soon as you access Create Campaign, you will see several boxes that you must fill out with the ad campaigns information that you want to create.  

➡️ Campaign name: Choose the name for your ad campaign

➡️ URL Landing: It refers to the webpage where you want your users to land when they click the ad. 

➡️ Select the platform where you want to create your ads, you can select both platforms at the same time. 

➡️ If you want to create a campaign on Google Ads, you can choose the type of ad campaign: Search or Display.

➡️ If on the other hand you are interested in Facebook Ads, you must choose the objective of your campaign: Traffic, Engagement, Leads or Sales?

When you choose conversions as the campaign objective, you must say which Facebook Pixel you are going to use to follow up the process and then which event you want to register as a conversion.

Step 2: Segmentation and Location

In this second part of the process, you choose the type of users that your ads will be directed to.

You must select: 

  • Location
  • Gender: female, male or both
  • Age: Select the range you want to direct your ads to
  • Language

Step 3: Audience  

You must select the interests of the users that your ads are directed to, so your ad campaigns are displayed to your specific target.

In this case, you choose separately for Google and Facebook.

Step 4: Keywords for your ad 

After determining which keyworks best fit your campaign, search and select them on Metricool.

Once you have created an ad campaign, these keywords will be saved for your next campaigns and you won’t have to go through the same process if your ad is about the same subject.

Step 5: Design your ad campaign 

➡️ Select the photo and logo for your ad.

➡️ Fill out the data: company’s name, ad title and description.

➡️ In the preview, you can check how you ad will be shown on the platforms selected.

If you want to create more than one ad, tap the tab with the symbol + to create as many as you want.

Step 6: Budget

Your ad campaign is almost over, now you must choose a daily average budget for your campaign, you can choose if the offer limit will be manually or automatic. 

Step 7: Ad campaign summary  

Your ad campaign has been configured. Now you can revise the summary of everything you have done. You can check all the data that you have selected, the configuration of your campaign and its design in one page.

Lastly, press the button at the end of the summary: Create campaign.

Et voilà!  Your ad campaign has been created with Meticool, easy, right?

Advantages of Creating your Ads with Metricool

With this new feature, Metricool is in search of joining the process from both platforms within our tool with the objective of creating a simpler and unified process.

With this functionality we try to serve either users with no previous experience in creating ad campaigns and also users who already know how both ad platforms work.

Do you want to know its advantages? Here we go…

✅ It’s an easy process to follow. Normally creating ads on both platforms is somewhat  complex and this new Metricool’s feature is meant to make these steps easier to assure nobody gets lost along the way.

✅ You save time. You don’t have to switch platforms in order to create your ads. Since you do everything in the same place and you can create your Google and Facebook campaigns simultaneously, you will save time in the ad creation process. 

 You can carry out the whole process of your ad strategy from Metricool. From our tool you can create ad campaigns on both platforms, manage their budget and their status and finally, you can analyze and download reports with the performance and results of your ad campaigns.

So, this is everything about Metricool´s ad campaign creation feature, enjoy it!

If you have any question let us know in the comment section.

▶️ See more about other Metricool’s features ◀️

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 10 December 2019

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