[FREE Masterclass] 2024 LinkedIn Study Presentation

In this annual LinkedIn study, we analyzed over 1,500,000 posts to see how businesses and brands are using this network in 2024. Over 122 days, we analyzed over 40,000 professional accounts to answer some of the biggest questions about LinkedIn…

🙋 What is the best time and day to post on LinkedIn?

🙋 Which posting format generates the most engagement?

🙋 How many times should I post on LinkedIn per week?

🙋 Are hashtags important on LinkedIn?

In our 2023 Social Networks Study, we looked at how nine different social media platforms have evolved over the last year, and what predictions we can expect to see in 2024. With this being our first study in 2024, we can now see if these trends hold.

Join us on February 28th, 2024 at 3 pm EST while we present our 2024 LinkedIn Trends Study live, and break down the key takeaways from the collected data.

As LinkedIn continues to be a priority platform for professionals to market their company pages, the insights from this data can be analyzed against marketing strategies to help brands improve their content and grow their LinkedIn pages.

So, if your brand is looking to refine your LinkedIn tactics, you won’t want to miss this Masterclass.

Hosted by Metricool’s US Marketing Team co-heads, Anniston Ward and Alexandra Caceres.

If you can’t join live, don’t worry! Sign up, and we will email you a link to the recording.🤩

Anniston Ward Anniston Ward , 19 February 2024


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