Schedule Pinterest Pins with Metricool

21 March 2024

Keeping up with your brand’s Pinterest can be time-consuming. Fortunately, Metricool’s Pinterest scheduling tool not only saves time but also streamlines your entire content planning process. Now, with the introduction of scheduling Idea Pins through Metricool, managing your Pinterest content has never been easier or more efficient.

How to Schedule Pinterest Posts with Metricool

To schedule pins on Pinterest using Metricool, you need to have an active account with the platform. New users can sign up to Metricool to access the scheduling features, while existing users can dive straight in.

Here’s how you can leverage Metricool to schedule both traditional pins and the newly supported Idea Pins on Pinterest.

  1. Access the Metricool Planner tool: Navigate to the “Planning” section at the top of your Metricool profile. Select “Create post” to get started.  
  2. Scheduling Your Pins: Metricool’s planner allows you to schedule both traditional pins and the newly supported Idea Pins. Whether you’re posting to an existing board or creating a new one, Metricool has you covered.
  3. Adhere to Pinterest’s image and video specifications: use .PNG or .JPG formats for images with a maximum size of 20 MB, and a 2:3 ratio or 1000X1500 px is recommended. For videos, ensure they are in MP4 format, between 4 and 15 seconds long, and do not exceed 500 MB.
  4. In the description box, write the text that will accompany your pin. This is also where you can include a link to direct users, though remember, Idea Pins do not support external links, focusing instead on audience engagement within Pinterest.
  5. Don’t forget to add alternative text for your images, enhancing accessibility for all users.
  6. Utilize the ‘Pinterest presets’ to add a title, select or create a board, and if applicable, shorten your link with Metricool’s tool.
  7. Choose Your Posting Time: Once your post is ready, select the desired date and time for publication, or opt for immediate posting with the ‘Publish now’ option. Your scheduled pin will appear in your calendar.
  8. You’re All Set! With your content scheduled, Metricool takes over from here, ensuring your pin is published at the specified time.

All Metricool accounts can schedule Pinterest pins. With a free Metricool account, you can plan and schedule 50 pieces of content per month, while Premium accounts can schedule between 2,000 and 10,000.

Scheduling Idea Pins with Metricool

Idea Pins offer a unique storytelling format on Pinterest, similar to Instagram stories but tailored for this platform. With Metricool’s Idea Pin support, users can now effortlessly incorporate this content type into their Pinterest strategy, enhancing audience engagement and brand awareness.

By integrating Idea Pins into your content strategy, you can significantly enhance audience engagement and increase profile visibility on Pinterest. These multi-slide pins offer a versatile platform for sharing ideas, tutorials, narratives, and inspiration, enabling brands and creators to connect with their audience in a more immersive and interactive way. Leveraging Metricool’s Pinterest scheduling capabilities for managing both traditional pins and dynamic Idea Pins allows users to elevate their social media presence, drive traffic, and foster a vibrant online community.

Metricool pinterest scheduling tool
Metricool Pinterest Scheduling Tool

Pinterest Scheduling Integration with Canva

Metricool seamlessly integrates with Canva, a popular graphic design platform, empowering users to effortlessly design captivating images and videos for their Pinterest pins. 

By leveraging this integration, brands can streamline their content creation process, access a wide range of design templates, and enhance the visual appeal of their pins. This gives users a powerful toolset to create engaging and visually appealing content that resonates with their Pinterest audience.

metricool with canva
Metricool on Canva

Metricool Autolists Feature

Metricool’s Autolists feature allows users to schedule and automate content weekly. With Autolists, you can create a series of evergreen posts that can be shared across various social networks automatically. 

Autolists eliminates the need for frequent manual publishing, so brands can focus on other tasks while ensuring a consistent and active presence on Pinterest. By utilizing Autolists, brands can maintain a steady flow of evergreen content without constant monitoring, simplifying the scheduling process and helping to engage followers and drive traffic to their profiles effectively.

Metricool Autolist to schedule Pinterest pins
Metricool Autolists

Pinterest Performance Analytics with Metricool

Metricool goes beyond just scheduling and planning pins by offering robust analytics and performance reports for Pinterest content. 

Users can track the performance of their scheduled pins, monitor key metrics such as engagement, reach, clicks, and more, and gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their Pinterest strategy. By analyzing these performance metrics, users can identify top-performing pins, understand audience preferences, and optimize their content strategy for better results.

Metricool Pinterest analytics graph for Period Impressions and Period Engagement
Metricool Pinterest Analytics
Gretchen Oestreicher Gretchen Oestreicher , 21 March 2024

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Grow your brand’s Pinterest with Metricool, the all-in-one social media management tool. Create, schedule, analyze, and optimize your Pinterest strategy.

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